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6.1 Section 3 explains the way in which the University may need to make reasonable changes to the workplace and to employment arrangements so that a person with a disability is not at any substantial disadvantage compared to non-disabled people. Information and assistance may be obtained from the Disability Employment Adviser at the Employment Service Job Centre

6.2 In order to be properly integrated into the workforce, members of staff with a disability must be accepted by their colleagues. Individuals should be asked whether they wish their colleagues to be informed of their disability, and senior and advisory staff should follow their wishes in this respect. In exceptional cases advice may be sought from the appropriate authority

6.3 Staff with a disability should be given the same training opportunities as others. If special arrangements are deemed to be necessary, advice should be sought from the appropriate authority. Any factor relevant to promotion which suggests that a disability might handicap performance in a higher grade should be examined carefully by the Head of the institution.