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Human Resources

Read more at: New survey launched to gather views on the researcher reward and progression proposals

New survey launched to gather views on the researcher reward and progression proposals

A new survey- open to all employees, schools and institutions- has been launched to find out what staff think of the researcher reward and progression proposals.  

Some of the proposals put forward include changes to name titles for researchers, the introduction of new grades and a contribution increment scheme running annually instead of termly. 

Read more at: A spotlight on some ‘behind the scenes’ roles at Cambridge University

A spotlight on some ‘behind the scenes’ roles at Cambridge University

As part of the Technician Commitment work across the University, a series of videos have been put together to showcase some of the technical staff colleagues and their diverse roles across many sectors within the University.

One the technicians, Rob Theodore, from the Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences, carries out a huge variety of tasks within his role, from showing David Attenborough around the Museum to working on individual projects of his own.