If you have been asked to register as a casual worker at the University of Cambridge by one of our Institutions or Departments, you should read the information below and follow the instructions on how to register as a worker on the Cambridge Casual Worker System (CCWS).
CCWS is the system we use to manage the following processes for you during your time as a casual worker with us:
Collation of personal information about you (including your Right to Work in the UK documentation)
Sending you details of Temporary Assignment offers
Allowing you to enter timesheets for the hours you have worked for us
Allowing you to submit appropriate and pre-agreed expenses incurred whilst working for the University
Click on the sections below for more information:
In order to register with CCWS you will need the following information ready to hand:
A valid email address and a suitably strong password
Your personal contact details
Contact details of an emergency contact for you
If you are a UK or Irish National, your Right to Work in the UK documentation (Passport, Birth Certificate)
If you are a Foreign National (including EU, EEA and International), a Share Code from the gov.uk webpage
The details of the Bank Account where you wish to receive your payment for any work completed
Follow this link to access CCWS: https://www.hrsystems.admin.cam.ac.uk/systems/systems-overview/dashboard
Training materials are available to support you as required to log in and register on the system. The link to the training materials can be found below under ‘How to Guides/Training’.
Please note that if you are a UK/Irish National, you will need to upload a copy of your Right to Work document directly into CCWS under the ‘Right to Work’ tile of your profile. If you are a Foreign National, you will only be required to enter the Share Code from the government website and therefore are not required to upload copies of your documents to CCWS.
When you have completed all of the sections of your CCWS profile, you should click the green ‘Submit’ button to ensure you have completed the registration process. After you have submitted your profile for approval, a member of the department you have agreed to work for will review your profile and conduct a check of your Right to Work documents. This will involve them arranging a short meeting with you to ensure your likeness to the documents provided. They will then approve you as a worker and you will be set up to receive information about jobs at the university via email.
You will receive information about specific assignment offers via email from CCWS. If you accept the offers, you will receive further emails which will constitute a Workers Agreement between you and the University and will contain the job information and the Standard Terms and Conditions of working at the University of Cambridge. All emails you receive from CCWS will be sent from the email address noreply@casualworkers.admin.cam.ac.uk
You will be required to submit weekly timesheets for the hours you have worked on CCWS. You will also be able to submit appropriate expense claims via your timesheet for expenses incurred whilst working for the University. All expenses must be pre-agreed with your Department and accompanied by a valid receipt (or in the case of a mileage claim, a screenshot from google maps confirming the distance between your journey's start and end point). You should ensure that any timesheets have the relevant expenses attached before submission as you will not be able to re-open your timesheet once submitted to enter any expenses.
You will be paid on the 15th of each month (or the nearest working day if the 15th falls on a weekend or Bank Holiday). You should submit your timesheets by 5pm each Monday for the department to approve. All timesheets submitted by 5pm on the last Monday of each month will be paid on the 15th of the following month. Any timesheets submitted after the last Monday will be paid in the next month. The deadlines for the current year can be found on the Finance website under ‘Casual Worker System closure dates’.
Please note if you are also a University employee you will receive payment for casual work along with your monthly salary, on or around the 26th of each month.
Workers are entitled to the equivalent of 5.6 weeks’ paid holiday per holiday year (including all public holidays in England and Wales). This will be paid to you at a rate of 12.07% of all hours worked, on top of your hourly rate, and is automatically applied when you submit your timesheet. The additional 12.07% on top of your hourly rate of pay is therefore paid to you in your monthly pay.
Workers on a Tier 4/Student visa are allowed by the Home Office to work up to 20 hours per week during term-time, and full-time during University holidays. The holiday period in which students can work full-time is defined according to the type of course they are undertaking.
However, the University imposes working restrictions on its own students (regardless of nationality), some of which go beyond the Tier 4/Student visa restrictions. Please see the guidance contained within the ‘Working during your studies’ and ‘International Students working and studying’ webpages.
Students holding a Tier 4/Student visa and studying with another Higher Education Institution will be asked to provide a letter from their Institution confirming (a) that they are registered as a student, (b) the type of course, (c) what stage they are at and (d) their term dates.
If you hold a Tier 4/Student visa, when registering on CCWS, you should take the following actions on the Right to Work tile:
- Select ‘International’ under the question Worker Nationality
- Select ‘Share code or online right to work check’ under the question Documentation Type
- Input your National Insurance number
- Enter Share code reference number from the government website
- Under the question ‘Does your visa have working hour restrictions?’, select Yes
- Under the question ‘Do you have different working hour restrictions during term and out of term times?’, select Yes
- Upload your University/College letter confirming the details noted above (non-University of Cambridge students only)
Workers holding a Student Visitor visa are not allowed to work at all.
You will find information on how to manager each section of CCWS in our Training Library for Workers.
If you have any questions you may find it helpful to refer to the FAQS for workers to see if your question is answered there.
You should contact your Institution in the first instance if you have questions about your work assignments.
CHRIS.Helpdesk@admin.cam.ac.uk should be contacted if you have CCWS system issues.
For general queries on CCWS please contact casual.workers@admin.cam.ac.uk