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This report lists all current employees in an Institution where an Appraisal has been recorded for their current position. Employees with no recorded Appraisal but with a next Review date for their current position will also be listed.

The following columns are shown:

  1. School
  2. Institution, the Department in which the appraisee is employed
  3. Location
  4. Person Reference no
  5. Surname
  6. Forename
  7. Title
  8. Posn Ref: position reference number
  9. Position: job title of the employee
  10. Staff Type, e.g Assistant, Academic Related etc
  11. Occ Ref: the occupancy reference number
  12. Occ start: the occupancy start date
  13. Occ end: the occupancy end date
  14. Expected occ end: the limit of tenure date
  15. Position Reviewed: job title
  16. Review type: normally annual or two-yearly
  17. Review date: the date of the last review
  18. Next Review date
  19. Reviewer PRN: Person Reference number of the reviewer
  20. Reviewer title
  21. Reviewer surname
  22. Reviewer forename
  23. Reviewer type: Reviewer or Supervisor
  24. Reporting Manager




2nd of every month.


The report acts as a reminder of the next Appraisal date and to log the completion of Appraisal meetings.

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Relevant HR Policy or Procedure