Burst Recipients can only be authorised by an Institution's CHRIS Key Contact. If there is no institutional Key Contact, then the Key Contact in the School or equivalent can authorise Burst Recipients.
The CHRIS Key Contact should send an email to the CHRIS Helpdesk which contains:
- A request to add (or remove) a Burst Recipient
- The name of the institution (please give this in full: there are several instances where a Faculty and Department have the same core title, like Engineering)
- The name of the authorised Burst Recipient
- The CRSid of the authorised Burst Recipient
- The normal email address of the authorised Burst Recipient
Please note that where an institution has component institutions it is necessary to specify all the institutions for which the person is to receive burst reports (as in the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages, which has a number of component departments).
The CHRIS Helpdesk team will always verify the authority of the person requesting registration of a Burst Recipient.
The registration process can take several days as data has to be synchronized across several systems. New burst recipients may be sent an e-mail by a member of the Cognos Admin team which asks them to login to Cognos via Raven. In such cases this once-only activity isĀ an essential step: until a Cognos user account is activated in this way, bursting cannot be carried out.