As part of the HR Transformation Project, we are performing a data cleanse on data currently held in CHRIS. This report lists all current employees of an institution whose probation period is incomplete.
Further details around the HR Transformation Project and Data Cleansing can be found at:
The following columns are shown:
- School (or equivalent)
- Institution
- Location
- Per Ref (CHRIS Person Reference Number)
- Surname
- Forename
- Position (job title)
- Position Ref (CHRIS Position Reference Number)
- Basis
- Type
- Occ(upancy) Start Date
- Probation Reason
- Probation Completed
- Probation Start (date)
- Probation End (date)
- Reporting Manager
1st of every month.
To assist institutions with the entering of probation outcomes directly onto CHRIS.
There are three possible outcomes:
- Probation completed satisfactorily.
- Probation extended.
- Appointment terminated (you should process the employee as a leaver on CHRIS at the same time).
Who to contact
- Problems opening the report - CHRIS Helpdesk
- Queries with the person/position data - Recruitment Administration Team
- Problems entering probation data - CHRIS Helpdesk
Departmental contacts should update the CHRIS probation records for all staff, including established academics. However, please note that the minutes of Appointments Committees confirming successful completion of probation for established academics should be forwarded to your HR School Team.