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Guidance on Religion and Belief for Staff


The University of Cambridge is committed in its pursuit of academic excellence to equality of opportunity and to a pro-active and inclusive approach to equality, which supports and encourages all under-represented groups, promotes an inclusive culture, and values diversity.

Equal Opportunities Policy


The University is an international environment with over 130 nationalities in the staff profile. Alongside increasing religious diversity, a growing secular population and recognition of individual beliefs in UK case law, managers and staff may find that information and guidance on religious practice and beliefs could support understanding in the workplace and help to navigate issues which may arise.

The University adopted its first policy on Religion and Belief in 2009, which was incorporated into the Combined Equality Scheme, the Equal Opportunities Policy and the University Equality Objectives. In developing the Guidance on Religion and Belief, information from specialist external organisations, including the Equality Challenge Unit, was researched. In addition, views from different stakeholders from within the University were sought. These included the Chaplain to University Staff, the HR School Teams, the Senior Tutor representative of the University's E&D Consultative Forum, the University's Equality Champions, the Chaplaincy Development Group, the Equality Champions and the Legal Services Office.

Status and eligibility

This Guidance provides information on good practice to support staff and institutions in implementing the University's Equal Opportunity Policy in relation to Religion and Belief. This Guidance is not University policy, does not form part of employees' terms and conditions of employment, and may be subject to change. It is not intended to remove any current protections afforded to employees under their contracts of employment or under existing legislation or other local arrangements agreed by the University and trades unions.

The purpose of this Guidance is to assist in the understanding of:

  • The University's responsibilities in relation to the protected characteristic of Religion and Belief;
  • The support and services available to members of the University community;
  • The issues that may affect members of staff who practice a religion or hold beliefs that may impact on their work, and
  • The information available about different religions and details of relevant groups and organisations, both within the University and elsewhere.

For a list of Chaplaincies connected to the University, including ones from other faiths and denominations please go to