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Human Resources



Grading is a specialist service within the Human Resources Division. The University assesses the content of roles using the HERA (Higher Education Role Analysis) Job Evaluation scheme in order to assign a grade. The service provides support and guidance on the creation of new roles, and the review of existing roles. The webpages can be only accessed by current staff members using Raven access.

Grading is currently managed by the Grading Team, whose contact details can be found below

Grading requests and queries about grading should be sent to the Grading Team mailbox:


Name Job Title Email
Paul Robinson Grading Manager
Sian Thompson Role Analyst
Isla Monk Role Analyst
Kristian Cookson Grading Coordinator

Q. Before starting a grading request, have you checked the Role Template library for a suitable role?

The University has a range of pre-populated Role Templates covering administrative, technical, manual and specialist roles for institutions to use when creating a new role, or revising the content of an existing role. When writing a new role, or amending an exisitig role you should always check whether there is a suitable template held within the library. New roles will be added to the library, so please check prior to starting each grading request.

Role Template Library

The library of templates are currently is draft form, during this time all requests will be processed and graded as per the normal grading process.

Please contact for suggestions on roles that your Department would benefit from being added to the library.

Q. How do I change the content of a existing role?

There is a different process depending on whether the role is filled or vacant (or will be vacant). The following pages cover the review of roles where the Department is seeking to only change the content of a role (with no anticpated change in grade), and where the Department wish to amend the content AND grade of a role.

Q. How do I obtain the latest version of the Role Profile, Grading Front Sheets (NR1 & RR1) and supporting guidance notes?

The latest version can be accessed through the Forms and Guidance page of the grading website.

Q. Where can I find the generic profiles for Academic and Research roles?

The profiles are avalible on the Academic and Research generic profile page.

Q. Where can I get further information?