The University's appraisal process enables employees to develop themselves professionally on an ongoing basis. There are also a range of other useful services and facilities including a Learning and Development programme, language centre and IT training courses.
Learning and Development
Learning and Development provide staff and educational development services throughout the University and its Colleges. This includes a centrally organised programme of staff development activities.
Assistant Staff are eligible to apply for financial support to undertake training that will lead to a qualification. There are certain criteria that have to be met for the funding to be approved. Please ask for form PD5.
Language Centre
The University has its own Language Centre offering members of staff language-learning and teaching services for work-related language learning needs.
University Information Service
The University Information Service (UIS) exists to help you get the most out of your computing. Its facilities are available free to all staff as long as the use is connected with University work. The Computing Service also provides a wide range of training courses for all staff.
Institute of Continuing Education
All members of staff are eligible to participate in the extensive learning programme provided by the Institute of Continuing Education. University staff are also eligible for a 25% concession fee on many ICE-owned courses. Find out more here.
University seminars
As a member of staff you are invited to attend any of the lectures and seminars organised by various institutions of the University. A full listing is available on the seminars web page.
LinkedIn Learning
LinkedIn Learning is available for all University staff. This resource offers online courses on creative, technical and professional skills, as well as wellbeing and remote working.