Online Payslips
The University's Employee Self-Service (ESS) system enables employees to view and download payslips online. Further details of ESS and the log-in page can be found on the HR Systems web pages.
Online payslips have been adopted by many other organisations in the UK, and internationally, and are considered to have a number of benefits:
- Staff can access both current and historic payslips 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
- It is easy to provide a bank or building society with back issues of payslips in support of a mortgage application.
- Copies of payslips can be accessed without having to consult the payroll team.
- Data security is improved as payslips are sometimes left on desks, in pigeon holes or around the workplace.
- Payslips can be accessed remotely, anywhere in the world.
If you require any assistance or would like to offer any feedback, please contact the CHRIS Helpdesk on tel. 01223 760999, or via email chrishelpdesk@admin.cam.ac.uk
Form P60
An online version of this form is now available. To view your P60 simply log in to self-service and select 'Pay'.
Online versions are currently available for the tax years 2009/10,2010/11 and 2011/12 and will be provided in future years.
HM Revenue and Customs advise that changes have been made to the PAYE regulations to allow employers to provide P60 information online. As a result, substitute P60's are now available via ESS. The online substitute form includes additional text stating 'this is a printed copy of an eP60' and the address shown on it is your home address. These are both statutory requirements for online P60 forms.
You may download and/or print your online P60 at any time and as often as you wish.
HM Revenue and Customs also advise that in the event that you need to claim a repayment from them, they will not accept e-mails with copies of the online P60 form attached. They will still require your claim to be supported by a paper P60 or the printed output of the online P60.