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Human Resources


Support services at the University

The University recognises that individual members of staff may experience difficulties in their personal lives or in their employment circumstances which can affect their ability to carry out their work.

If you are having difficulties, you may find it helpful to discuss these with your line manager or departmental administrator. However there are also several other sources of advice and support available to you within the University and these are set out below.

Human Resources Division

The HR Business Managers and HR Advisers are the principal points of contact for designated Institutions. Full details of the University's Human Resources contacts, staff policies and all other information for staff are available at the website below.

Personal and Professional Development

PPD designs, delivers and advises on practical and relevant development for individuals and institutions in support of the University’s overall mission and priorities. PPD works strategically with others to support people and organisational development, particularly in the following areas:

  1. Leadership and management development
  2. Professional and personal development
  3. Career development

For further information contact:

For Researcher development see the Researcher Development Programme website.

For academic staff development see the Cambridge Centre for Teaching and Learning website.

Chaplaincy for University Staff

The Chaplain to University Staff is based at Great St Mary's, the University Church, and is available to all members of staff irrespective of their beliefs. 

Dignity at Work

Dignity at Work Contacts are staff volunteers who act as a first point of contact for staff experiencing inappropriate behaviour or who have been accused of inappropriate behaviour.

The Accessibility and Disability Resource Centre (ADRC)

The Accessibility and Disability Resource Centre (ADRC) provides a confidential and accessible service for disabled students and those staff supporting them.

Equality and Diversity Section

The Equality and Diversity Section seeks to help the University progress equalities policy in line with legislation, and to develop good practice in supporting under-represented groups, promoting an inclusive culture, and valuing diversity. E&D also provides specialist advice and training to University departments and individual members of staff, supports a number of staff networks that promote diversity and celebrates diversity by organising public events.

The Safety Office

We provide professional safety services to Departments and Institutions to help them take control of their own safety management. At a local level, Departmental Safety Officers, Safety Committees and Trade Union Safety Representatives are good sources of help within Departments and Institutions. If you want to contact us directly, please ask for the lead person for your Department or Institution or the relevant specialist.

Internal Mediation Service

The objective of mediation is to provide a supportive structure for two parties in disagreement to get together to try and agree a way forward which will enable them to restore a positive and productive working relationship. In order to reach agreement, the parties must be willing and able to engage fully and openly in the process, which is completely confidential. The University's internal mediators are members of staff, drawn from a variety of backgrounds and roles throughout the University who, as volunteers, have received training in mediation skills in order to assist with the resolution of difficulties between individual members of staff.

Finding a Mentor

Occupational Health Service

The Occupational Health Service aims to complement the University's academic reputation by providing a support service that promotes and preserves both the physical and mental wellbeing of all staff, students and visitors.

Staff Counselling Service

Confidential personal counselling is also available from the University Counselling Service to help solve personal or work-related problems away from the work environment. Please contact:

Sports Centre

The state of the art University of Cambridge Sports Centre is open for membership to students, staff, alumni and the wider community.  The physical and mental health benefits of exercise are well known, and with a fully equipped Fitness, Strength and Conditioning Suite, Sports Hall, Multi-Purpose Room, Five Courts, Squash Courts and a variety of exercise classes, there’s something for everyone.

Trades Unions

Your trades union can advise and represent you in employment matters. The University recognises 2 trades unions for collective bargaining and consultation for all staff with the status of University Assistant.