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The encouragement of training and development for all staff is one of the University's core values and we put this into practice through various services and initiatives. These include:

  • A wide-range of training courses delivered by a range of providers within the University, including Personal and Professional Development (PPD), Equality & Diversity, University Information Services and the Language Centre.
  • Apprenticeships are available for staff of all ages, in a variety of roles, who can benefit from tailored learning and develop their professional skills, whilst helping to meet the current and future needs of the University.
  • Probation periods for new employees, which provide a framework for reviewing progress and discussing training and development needs.
  • Our Staff Review and Development (SRD) Scheme, which is designed to enhance work effectiveness and facilitate career development post-probation.
  • Reduced staff fees for University of Cambridge graduate courses.
  • The opportunity to attend lectures and seminars held by University departments and institutions.
  • Leave for career and personal development.
  • Policies and processes dedicated to the career development of researchers and the implementation of the principles of the Concordat, which have led to the University being recognised with an HR Excellence in Research Award by the European Commission.

During your induction programme and your probation period, you will be able to identify any training and development needs that have to be met to enable you to undertake your role effectively. Some of these needs may be met by opportunities provided to all University staff by Personal and Professional Development (PPD). You should meet your line manager or the appropriate colleague to agree immediate training needs and plan how these will be met (you may wish to use a personal development plan and learning log)

Central University opportunities and training are also available at the Skills portal.

Secondments are also widely available within the University. However, the University wishes to promote and expand the use of secondments as a 'development' activity for administrative staff, in order to help 'bridge' the gap to their next role, thereby supporting their professional development and career progression. The Secondment Development Initiative has been established to support this activity.

You can also access the mentoring web page to find out about mentoring processes and resources. The University facilitates personal and professional development enabling individuals and groups to achieve their full potential. Mentoring is a dynamic way of facilitating such development.