The University is committed to providing a healthy and fulfilling working environment and improving the quality of working lives for all staff. The wellbeing strategy aims to support the University's mission and core values of freedom of thought and expression, freedom from discrimination and the recognition that the University's staff are its greatest asset.
For further details on wellbeing at Cambridge, please visit the Wellbeing webpages here.
Wellbeing Centre
The Wellbeing Centre provides information, support and tools to help you live a healthier and happier life, because your wellbeing matters. You can find exercise videos to get you moving, quick and easy recipes to cook, videos for guided meditation, and much more.
Support Services at the University
The University recognises that individual members of staff may experience difficulties in their personal lives or in their employment circumstances which can affect their ability to carry out their work.
If you are having difficulties, you may find it helpful to discuss these with your line manager, local wellbeing advocate or Departmental Administrator. However, there are also several other sources of advice and support available to you within the University and these are set out here.
Mental Wellbeing Benefits
University Staff Counselling Service
As part of the Wellbeing Initiative, the University Staff Counselling Service contributes to the overall Strategy for promoting and maintaining the Mental Health of University staff. The Service is available free of charge to all University staff and is provided by professionally accredited and widely experienced Counsellors and CBT therapists.
The Service offers a range of support for staff and managers, including consultation sessions and Reflective Practice Groups. Training courses in Stress Management, along with Mindfulness and Relaxation workshops, complement this support. In addition, we work closely with our colleagues in Occupational Health, Human Resources and Equality and Diversity to develop and implement changes that will benefit our workforce in the 21st Century.
It is envisaged that the introduction of the Mental Health Lite Training to First Aiders will add to the overall knowledge of the workforce of issues pertinent to the psychological wellbeing in general. The Staff Counselling Service is committed to supporting those undertaking this training in order to enhance their experience and knowledge in this essential aspect of emotional life.
Find out more here.
University and College staff and students resident in Cambridge are eligible to join Qwell, a new online counselling and wellbeing platform launched by MIND. Find out more here.
Physical Wellbeing Benefits
University employees have access to health care cash plans and a discounted private medical scheme, which aim to provide health care at more affordable rates.
Private Medical Insurance
The University of Cambridge employees have access to competitive rates on private medical insurance through General and Medical Healthcare. Further details are available here.
Cambridge Sport Membership
The University of Cambridge Sports Centre is equipped with a fitness studio, strength & Conditioning room, badminton courts, squash courts, fives courts and a range of fitness classes, making it one of the best facilities in the local area. You could become a Cambridge Sport member and be so much more than a slave to the treadmill. Being a staff member at Cambridge University gets you access to all of these superb facilities with a 12% discount meaning you pay as little as £39 per month! Click here for further details about the Cambridge Sport Membership.
Mobile Health Check Service
The University of Cambridge Sports Service is collaborating with Healthy Nudge to provide a mobile health check service. This service allows you to access important data about your health without travelling far from your office. Our health checks measure body composition, blood pressure, peak flow, oxygen saturation, pulse rate, grip strength, total cholesterol, and blood glucose.
Click here see the available locations, rates, dates and times, and to book your health check visit.
Occupational Health
Occupational Health provides services that focus on the prevention of ill health and promotion of health at work. These services respond to the University's statutory requirements under health, safety and employment law and are designed to protect health at work and ensure that health related problems are effectively managed.
Display Screen Equipment users can apply to Occupational Health for contribution towards an eye test and glasses, if they are for specific use with the VDU. Find out more here
Health Shield
Health Shield is a health and wellbeing provider, offering Health Cash Plans to staff members. With six levels of cover to choose from, the plan allows you to claim money back on healthcare expenses such as optical, dental, physiotherapy and specialist consultation fees, as well as offering a number of other benefits. Find out more here.
Westfield Health
Westfield Health, accessible through CAMbens Discounts, offers a scheme where individuals pay a small monthly amount and can then claim back the cost of routine health costs such as dentist or opticians bills.