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As part of the HR Transformation Project, we are performing a data cleanse on data currently held in CHRIS. The report contains relevant positions for each institution which have been vacant for at least two years, and which it is proposed that are closed. The list does not contain any Established Officer or Professorial positions.

Institutions are asked to respond where there are positions listed which require closure. 

Further details around the HR Transformation Project and Data Cleansing can be found at:

The following columns are shown:

  1. Reporting Unit
  2. Active? Position Status
  3. Position Reference
  4. Position
  5. Post Reference
  6. Basis: Position
  7. Type: Position
  8. Category: Position
  9. Start Date: Position
  10. End Date: Position
  11. Start Date: Position Occupancy
  12. End Date: Position Occupancy
  13. Start Date: Position Status
  14. Last Occupant Name




15th of every month.


The report outlines positions within an institution which have been vacant for an extended period of time, and may need to be closed as part of data cleansing for the HR Transformation Programme. 

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