You may be required to work reasonable overtime, but overtime is worked only when necessary in the interests of the University, and must be authorised beforehand by your Head of Institution.
You will be compensated for overtime worked either by payment or by time off in lieu. Your Head of Institution will decide whether payment or time off in lieu is granted.
The hourly rates for calculating overtime or time off in lieu are:
- For overtime worked Monday to Saturday (at any time): 1.5 × basic hourly rate (i.e. an additional payment for the hours worked at half normal rate), or time off in lieu at the rate of 1.5 hours for each hour of overtime worked.
- For overtime worked on Sunday (at any time): 2 × basic hourly rate (i.e. an additional payment of the hourly rate for hours worked) or time off in lieu at the rate of 2 hours for each hour of overtime worked.
- For any hours worked on any public holiday:
If you receive overtime payments you will be paid 2 × your basic hourly rate; in addition you will be able to take the day's or part-day's leave on another occasion. If you are compensated by time off in lieu you will be able to take the day's or part-day's leave on another occasion; you will also be given additional time off at the rate of 1 hour for each hour worked on a public holiday.
These arrangements apply only if you are required by your Institution to work on a public holiday. If your Institution is open on a public holiday, and you choose to work on that day although you are not required to do so, you will be entitled to take that day's leave at another time, but you will not receive any additional compensation.
If you work part-time you will normally receive payment at overtime rates only when the total hours you have worked in any week are more than the hours in the standard working week for that Institution or division. However, if your Head of Institution requires you to work outside the normal hours of attendance for assistants working full-time, you may be paid for any such hours at the appropriate premium rates.
If you perform work voluntarily which is outside the terms and conditions of your appointment you may be paid for such work at a special rate.