The report lists all timesheets on the Cambridge Casual Worker System (CCWS) that are at least 30 days old, and have a status of 'With Worker', meaning they have not yet been submitted for approval and payment by the worker.
The following columns are shown:
- Department Code
- Department
- Booking ID
- Booking Title
- Booking Type
- Booking Date
- No of Days Since Booking
- Timesheet Status
- Title (of worker)
- First Name (of worker)
- Surname (of worker)
- Worker Status
The data is sorted by Institution, then by worker First Name, then by worker Surname, then by Number of Days Since Booking (if more than one booking), finally by Booking ID.
Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
15th of every month
CCWS enables casual workers to be booked for work and subsequently paid for any work carried out. Bookings are made by department users and once a booking date has passed, a timesheet is automatically generated for the worker to submit for approval by the department. Once a month, approved timesheet data is transferred to the payroll system and the workers are paid.
If the worker does not actively submit their timesheet for approval they will not receive any payment, as only timesheets that have a status of ‘Approved’ are processed for payroll. Workers may not know that this step is required and could assume they will automatically be paid for the work they carried out. Additionally, once a booking date has passed the booking cannot be cancelled (if, for example, the work was no longer to take place) and a timesheet will automatically be generated even if it will never be submitted. For example, if a worker was unable to attend due to sickness or another reason, the timesheet would remain in the system unsubmitted, unapproved and unpaid; the timesheet would therefore remain ‘open’ until it is ‘closed’, either by being paid or being cancelled.
This report has been created to enable departments to manage their open timesheets, providing the following benefits:
- Ensure workers who have carried out casual work for an institution are paid in a timely manner.
- Ensure timesheets are processed in the correct financial year, and that associated costs are processed against costcodes within the timeframe that they are open for.
- Ensure timesheets are not approved and paid in error, for work that did not take place and are 'closed'.
Who to contact
- Problems opening the report - CHRIS Helpdesk
- Queries with the content of the report - Casual Worker Team
The report only shows the data as it exists in the CCWS but not what action needs to be taken with the timesheets, i.e. whether they need to be submitted and paid, or cancelled.
Relevant HR Policy or Procedure
No specific HR Policy or Procedure applies.