Financial Matters
1. University financial regulations
All financial transactions taking place within the University — from dealing with invoices and cheques to the University's ethical policies relating to finance — are governed by the Financial Regulations approved by the University Council on the advice of the Finance Committee. If you have any queries on any financial matters, first see your local administrator.
- Finance Division
- Financial regulations
- Contact: your local administrator
2. Pensions
The University participates in a number of pensions schemes including the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) and the National Health Service Pensions Scheme (NHSPS). Any member of staff employed in an academic or academic-related pensionable post is eligible for membership of USS. For more information, see the USS Guide for Members or visit the web page below.
- Pensions Section
- USS Ltd
- Contact: The Pensions Section (3)32214
3. Cambridge Research Office
The Research Office offers expert guidance in securing and administering sponsored research funding for our academics, administrators and sponsors, working together today to enable world class research tomorrow.
The Research Office is organised into School Teams which provide dedicated support to colleagues in the School Offices, Faculties and Departments. The four School Teams are:
- Arts & Humanities and Humanities & Social Sciences
- Biological Sciences
- Clinical Medicine
- Physical Sciences and Technology
- Cambridge Research Office
Cambridge Enterprise
Cambridge Enterprise is a wholly owned subsidiary of the University of Cambridge, responsible for the commercialisation of University intellectual property. Activities include management and licensing of intellectual property and patents, proof of concept funding and support for University staff and research groups wishing to provide expert advice or facilities to public and private sector organisations. Cambridge Enterprise provides access to angel and early stage capital through the Cambridge Enterprise Seed Funds and Cambridge Enterprise Venture Partners, and offers business planning, mentoring, specialist surgeries and other related programmes.
NB. Negotiation of research agreements is carried out by Research Services Division.
- Cambridge Enterprise
- Intellectual Property Rights Policy
- Contact: Cambridge Enterprise (7)60339, email
4. Insurance
Professional indemnity insurance and private work
The University has an insurance policy to provide cover for legal actions taken against it as a result of neglect, error, omission, breach of trust or infringement of copyright or patent occurring or committed in good faith by its staff, research students or visiting scholars in the course of their work for the University. Such errors etc. could arise out of advice, design, specification, report or research. Professional indemnity is covered in Section 4.0 of the University's Insurance Notice (see below).
Section 3.0 of the Insurance Notice covers Public Liability and personal indemnity to cover the defence of individuals acting on behalf of the University should they be subject to an action brought by a third party alleging such liability.
5. Travel expenses
Most institutions have funds for allocating towards work-related travel expenses. If you wish to apply for part of these funds, your local administrator can tell you what is available. He or she can also tell you about mileage and subsistence allowances. Funds from the University's Travelling Expenses Fund and a Foreign Travel Fund are available in certain circumstances. Details are available online.
- Travelling Expenses Fund
- Reporter, Special Awards Issue (Michaelmas Term)
- Ordinances, Chapter XIII, Travelling Expenses Fund; Chapter XII, Foreign Travel Fund
- Contact: your local administrator or the Academic Division (3) 32284 (Travelling Expenses Fund)
6. Trust funds
Over 600 trust funds are available to members of the University for various purposes relating to their work or research. For more information, see the sources below. Certain trust funds are administered in departments or faculties; you can consult your local administrator about these.
- Reporter, Awards issue
- Contact: your local administrator