The Accommodation Service exists to help all members of Cambridge University, from students and academics to staff and visiting scholars, to find suitable accommodation. It can advise on rents, letting arrangements and tenancy agreements, as well as information on schools, banking, medical practices and other local facilities.
Additional support is offered to those new to Cambridge via the Newcomers and Visiting Scholars Group. It helps newly arrived wives, husbands, partners and families of Visiting Scholars and Senior Members of the University to settle in Cambridge and gives them an opportunity to meet local people.
Eddington (North West Cambridge Development) is a brand new district located 2km northwest of the city centre of Cambridge. The area has a supermarket, nursery, primary school, the award-winning Storey’s Field Centre for community and arts events, a playground, sports pitches, and Brook Leys parkland. Residents have access to regular subsidised buses to West Cambridge, the city centre, railway station and Addenbrooke’s; in addition to hundreds of secure bike parking spaces and communal garden areas. Find out more by visiting eddington-cambridge.co.uk.