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As part of the HR Transformation Project, we are performing a data cleanse on data currently held in CHRIS. The report contains a list of all active, both filled and vacant, positions within the institution, and the Reporting Manager details of each.

Reporting Manager data will affect security access in myHR and it is essential that they are correct. Each position should have an assigned Reporting Manager, and positions should not report to Casual Worker positions, or positions of external entities who are also paid via CHRIS. 

Institutions are asked to review the report and for departmental users with appropriate CHRIS access to update the Reporting Manager details against the position where necessary. 

Further details around the HR Transformation Project and Data Cleansing can be found at:

The following columns are shown:

  1. School / NSI
  2. Institution
  3. Location
  4. Person Reference no
  5. Known As
  6. Surname
  7. Position
  8. Position Reference no
  9. Category
  10. Basis
  11. Type
  12. Reporting Manager Person Reference no
  13. Reporting Manager Name
  14. Reporting Manager Position
  15. Reporting Manager Position Ref No
  16. Reporting Manager Category
  17. Reporting Manager Basis
  18. Reporting Manager Type




3rd of every month.


The report outlines the Reporting Manager details of all active positions within an institution which may need to be corrected or details of a suitable Reporting Manager position to be assigned where this is empty, as part of data cleansing for the HR Transformation Programme.

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