Timesheet arrangements – information for authorisers
All temporary workers are required to complete a weekly timesheet, stating the start and finish times and breaks for each day’s work. Once a worker has submitted a timesheet it will require authorisation before it can be paid.
The link for accessing the authorisation system (via Raven) is:
A full user guide on authorising timesheets can be found here:
A quick reference guide is also available as a reminder of some of the key points:
Answers to frequently asked questions can be found here:
Checking timesheets
Please check the detail on the timesheet carefully. In authorising the timesheet, you are confirming that all the information given is correct. This includes confirming, to the best of your knowledge:
the total number of hours that the individual has worked;
the hours that they would have worked but missed due to sickness;
that if someone is claiming holiday pay that they have taken the equivalent amount of time as leave that week (unless it is their final timesheet); and
that the timesheet is indicated as a last timesheet where relevant
The deadline for receiving timesheets is 3pm on a Friday unless temporary workers are notified otherwise (e.g. prior to bank holidays). Please ensure that timesheets are authorised in time to meet this deadline. Timesheets received after the deadline will not be processed until the following payroll. The only exception to this on a standard week is if a worker has worked that weekend, then the timesheet must be with us by 8am Monday.
Early Timesheet Deadlines
Before Bank Holidays and Christmas and occasionally at other times we have to make our timesheet deadline earlier in order to meet payroll deadlines. It is up to you whether you are willing to authorise a timesheet in advance of work being done or whether you require the temporary worker to wait until a following week to be paid.