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Human Resources


Would you like to know how the University are supporting staff working overseas?

The revised policy and guidance are in place to better support employees working outside the UK. 

Click here to watch an Introduction Video:-


The International Working Policy came into effect at the start of October, and new guidance is now available on the Global Mobility and International Working Website.

Their aim is to support employees and departments to ensure that anyone outside the UK is doing so safely and in accordance with legislation.

Global Mobility Advisor Maria Buckman:

"We’re really pleased to be able to launch the revised Policy, following a year of detailed consultation with staff and Institutions. "We’re confident that the revised Policy and guidance will provide much needed support in relation to staff working outside the UK and better reflects current working practices in the wake of Brexit and the Covid pandemic."


The key points for staff and institutions to note are: 

  • A new international working decision tree provides a step-by-step guide to working away based on the specific details of the activity and work pattern. This is also supported by the new introductory guidance on international working
  • With the exception of short-term remote working (see below), all international working arrangements will require formal review and approval via the International Working Application Form: HR56.
  • Short-term remote working is now permitted upon recruitment and prior to a contract ending, under certain conditions, as stated in the Short Term Remote Working Guidance. Periods of less than 30 days can be approved locally by line managers; requests for more than 30 days will now require approval from the Global Mobility HR Team via the application form available on the website. 

Additionally, institutions should note: 

  • An international working fund has been established for two years, starting in August 2023, to support costs associated with international work. 
  • New process guidance is available to support the four key stages associated with international working: review and approval, set up, ongoing administration and extensions, and termination.