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4.1 Funding of regradings: Institutions are expected to meet the full costs, including on-costs, of successful applications from the sources available to them until such costs are included in the baseline budgets. Heads of Institutions need to identify the funding source before making any proposal for a regrading. Any applications funded partly from the UEF/Chest and partly from other sources, should be charged in the same proportion as the funding of the current post.

4.2 Effect on pay: Successful regrading applications will result in a permanent change in the grade of the post and an increase in salary of at least two increments from the implementation date (except in the case of staff who are red-circled). The new scale point will be the lowest service point in the new grade or two increments higher than the current point on the single salary spine, whichever is the greater. The full range of the new grade (including contribution points where necessary) is used for the purpose of determining the salary point to which the member of staff would progress.

4.3 Costing: The costing of all applications must include on-costs. The relevant calculation will be the difference between basic salary costs at the proposed new grade point, and those of the current grade point as at the implementation date. Current grades and salary points, including on-costs, are available for grades 1–6 and grades 7–12 [Cambridge Only].

4.4 Implementation date: If a higher grade is agreed, it will be effective from the first day of the calendar month following receipt of the regrading application and full documentation by Human Resources. The costs in 4.3 are calculated on a full year basis and should be pro-rated to give the actual costs.

4.5 Posts occupied by red-circled staff: Refer to Human Resources before finalising any costings involving red-circled staff.