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6. Disabilities

6.1. The University acknowledges that sickness absence may result from a disability. Disability is defined under the Equality Act (2010) as a physical or mental impairment that has a 'substantial' and 'long-term' negative effect on an individual's ability to do normal daily activities.

6.2. There is no automatic obligation for employees to disclose a disability or health condition to the University, although employees should inform their manager if they consider their disability and/or health condition affects their ability to undertake their work and/or poses a health and safety risk.

6.3. Where an employee chooses to disclose a disability, as defined under the Act, managers should consider and discuss the necessary support, adaptations and reasonable adjustments to the workplace or role or other aspects of working arrangements that will provide support at work and/or assist a return to work. Further advice on reasonable adjustments is provided in the Sickness Absence Guidance document. Reasonable adjustments may also need to be made to the application of this policy. Please also refer to the Disability and Employment Policy.