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Human Resources


To enable you to extend your current Tier 2 or Skilled Worker Visa, the University has assigned a Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) to you, and you can now apply for your visa.

You must:

  • hold a Tier 2 or Skilled Worker Visa; and
  • currently work for the University of Cambridge; and 
  • continue to work in the same occupation/SOC code.

Please see the guidance below regarding the visa application process.

When can I apply for the visa?

You cannot apply more than 3 months before your current Tier 2/Skilled Worker Visa expires. However, you must apply before your current visa expires.

Do I need to meet the English language and maintenance requirements?

No. As you already hold a Tier 2 or Skilled Worker Visa, you are exempt from meeting these requirements for this application.

Can I continue working for the University if my visa expires?

Yes, but only if you made your new visa application before your current visa expires.

The University is legally required to verify your ongoing visa application with the Home Office, via the Employer Checking Service. To ensure we can legally continue to employ you whilst your Skilled Worker Visa application is pending, you must provide:

  • evidence of your new visa application
  • a signed copy of an ‘ECS employee permission’ letter.

You can find further information, and download a copy of the ECS permission letter, on our website.

Please send all documentation to the HR Compliance Team.

Failure to provide the above documentation before your current visa expires may result in the termination of your contract.