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Human Resources


Reimbursement of Relocation Expenses Scheme

About the form

The scheme provides financial assistance (up to £8,000) with relocation costs for moves within the UK and from overseas.

The scheme is open to all newly appointed and centrally funded staff appointed from 1 September 2003 on appointments for two years or more. Clarification of eligibility is available from the Human Resources Division.

Full terms and conditions are outlined in the reimbursement of relocation expenses scheme document, including details of allowable expenses, repayment conditions, claim procedure and UK taxation implications.

Completing the form

All sections of the form should be completed, with receipted invoices and documents attached, and submitted to your Head of Institution or comparable authority.

Obtaining a copy of the form

Copies of the form can be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat PDF file format. Further information on PDF files is available.