The following information about policies and procedures relating to disciplinary action, grievances and appeals is available online. Please note that appeals arising from capability and sickness absence decisions should be heard in accordance with the relevant appeals procedure for the staff member concerned.
Disciplinary action
University Officers
Statutes and Ordinances, Schedule to Statute C, Chapter III, Special Ordinance C(xii) and Special Ordinance C(xiii).
Unestablished Academic and Academic-related Staff (including Contract Research Staff)
Assistant Staff
University Officers
Statutes and Ordinances, Schedule to Statute C, Chapter III, Special Ordinance C(xii) and Special Ordinance C(xiii).
Unestablished Academic, Academic-related Staff (including Contract Research Staff) and Assistant Staff
Dignity at Work
The Dignity at Work Policy highlights the options available to staff who feel they are or have been subject to bullying, harassment, discrimination, sexual misconduct, or victimisation.
Formal hearings and informal meetings under the University's disciplinary, grievance, and appeal procedures cannot be tape-recorded by either side and therefore will not be admissible as evidence even where a recording exists. A note-taker may be present at hearings to provide a formal record of the meeting. This will not be a verbatim record but will be made available for both parties to review and agree. This approach has been adopted to maintain the formality of proceedings and to minimise disruption.