1. Statement of Policy
1.1 The University recognises that employees may, from time to time, have concerns or complaints about their work, working relationships or working environment. In this event employees can raise a grievance under this policy, unless the matter is subject to other agreed procedures.
1.2 This policy sets out informal and formal processes to follow when an employee has a grievance. The University aims to deal with grievances promptly, fairly, consistently, and without unreasonable delay. It will carry out necessary investigations, meet with the employee to discuss their grievance, and inform them of the outcome. An employee has the right to appeal any formal decision if they are not satisfied.
1.3 The University encourages individuals and managers to make every effort to resolve problems informally in the first instance as this is often the most effective method of addressing grievances. However, if the issue is serious, or has not been resolved in this way, a formal grievance may be raised.
1.4 This policy is not contractual and may be amended from time to time, in light of changes in legislation or operational requirements.