The University recognises that COVID-19 has had a significant impact on the HEI sector and many staff will have faced difficulties in carrying out their usual duties, preventing them from progressing as usual during probation. Therefore we welcome a voluntary statement detailing the impact of COVID-19 during probation.
This voluntary statement, to be provided by the probationer by completing a COVID-19 voluntary impact assessment form, which can be accessed here, will be taken into account when evaluating probation and considering whether to grant an extension. The member of staff may include reference to personal matters which have affected their work if they wish, however there is no requirement to do so, nor are they required to disclose if they have been furloughed.
Institutions will be expected to recognise the efforts made by staff to continue to fulfil their duties whilst adapting to new ways of working during lockdown and should consider extending probation where appropriate.
Extensions for academic staff may be given for up to one year under the University’s current probationary arrangements. Given the significant and ongoing anticipated impact on research during lockdown and the recovery phase, and as a temporary measure, extensions for research staff may also be agreed for up to six months where part of their probation fell between 16 March and 31 December 2020 (end date may be reviewed depending on the recovery phase) and the sponsor agrees to fund this extension.
For other staff categories, extensions can be approved for a period of up to three months, depending on the usual probationary period and what constitutes a reasonable time to demonstrate suitability for the role.