6. Procedure
6.1 Employees who fulfil the eligibility criteria may apply in writing by completing the application form below to receive a supplement in place of further pensions benefits. The completed form, together with the specified enclosures, should be signed and sent to the Head of Pensions. The Head of Pensions will confirm that each applicant meets the criteria listed above, process the application to terminate their relevant pension scheme membership, and arrange for the supplement to be paid, with effect from the date specified on the form (or the earliest possible date if insufficient notice is given).
6.2 To opt out of the USS pension scheme or to take the enhanced opt out option (to retain death in service and ill health retirement benefits) please visit the USS website at https://www.uss.co.uk/members/members-home/resources/forms. Alternatively the form can be obtained by sending a request to USS by email or post. Once completed it should be sent to the University Pensions Section. An employee can re-join USS at any time while they remain in employment which gives eligibility for membership of USS. Except where an employee has opted out of pension provision for tax reasons employees who opt out or stop making payments will be automatically enrolled back into a pension scheme at a later date (usually every three years). This is because the employee’s circumstances may have changed and it may be the right time for them to start saving. The Pensions Office will contact employees when this happens, and employees will have the option to opt out if it’s still not right for them.
6.3 To apply for a Voluntary Salary Cap (https://www.uss.co.uk/members/members-home/tax-considerations), please download mini-fact sheet 4 “Voluntary Salary Cap” from the USS webpage on pension scheme tax allowances. A form can be obtained from the University Pensions Office by e-mailing pensionsonline@admin.cam.ac.uk.
6.4 To opt out of the CPS the opt out form should be downloaded from the Pensions Office website at
http://www.pensions.admin.cam.ac.uk/cps/just-joined/which-forms-should-i-complete and once completed this should be sent to the University Pensions Office. Alternatively a form can be obtained by sending a request to the University Pensions Office by e-mail at pensionsonline@admin.cam.ac.uk or post.
6.5 To opt out of the NHS Pension Scheme the opt out form should be downloaded from the NHS website at https://www.nhsbsa.nhs.uk/member-hub/leaving-or-taking-break-scheme and once completed this should be sent to the University Pensions Office.
6.6 To opt out of the MRC Pension Scheme the opt out form should be downloaded from the MRCPS website at www.mrcps.co.uk using scheme identification code 672785. Once completed this should be sent to the University Pensions Office.