Model flexi-time scheme
The flexi-time scheme provided here is a model scheme for Institutions to adopt if they are implementing a flexi-time system in their Institution. If a Head of Institution wishes to revise the model scheme for implementation in their Institution then they should liaise with their HR Adviser/HR Business Manager.
You will also find a sample timesheet with guidance notes which needs to be adapted for the particular Institution.
The intention of the scheme is to enable staff to balance their work and personal commitments and to manage workflow within their department more effectively.
The expectation is that flexi-time will be available in all Institutions unless there are good operational reasons why this is not practicable. This flexi-time scheme is commended, as a model, to all Heads of Institutions to follow but they may determine that a revised scheme is more appropriate for implementation or that flexi-time cannot operate in their Institution or for a particular group of staff.
Flexi-time allows employees to choose, within agreed limits, when to begin and end work, and may be planned to enable individuals to attend to domestic or other responsibilities. Employees may be required to work during some essential periods (known as core times) which could, for example, be certain times of the day and/or certain times of the year.
Employees must work an agreed number of hours within an ‘accounting period’ which will be four weeks. Outside core times employees may request permission to use accrued flexi time in order to be absent from work. This enables employees to vary their start, finish and lunch times. Within agreed limits, with the prior agreement of their departments, employees may carry over any excess or debit in the number of hours they are required to work to the next accounting period.
Unless prior arrangements for cover have been agreed with the department, the Flexi-time scheme does not apply to staff appointed to posts with fixed times of work e.g. Reception Staff. Additionally, it will not apply when staff must be present to undertake a particular task to which they have been assigned e.g. stores opening time. Nor will flexi-time apply to classroom staff during a teaching term.
There must be no reduction in Departmental standards as a result of the implementation and use of the flexi-time scheme.