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Sabbatical leave

Provision for University Teaching Officers working less than full-time

  1. University Teaching Officers or those holding comparable appointments (those listed in Schedule C(i) to the Statutes or Study leave for holders of certain University offices list) are entitled to sabbatical leave at the rate of one term for every six terms of service (Special Ordinance C(i) 1, and the General Board's Notice on Leave of Absence under Special Ordinance C(i) 1 (formerly Statute D II 5).
  2. The maximum entitlement that can be accrued by the holder of an eligible office is three terms (under the 'six year rule', Special Ordinance C(i) 1.
  3. Under Special Ordinance C(i) 1, the General Board have the power to determine whether a term or part of a term is to be reckonable for sabbatical leave purposes in any case where the holder of an office with an entitlement to sabbatical leave has been dispensed from discharging all or part of the duties of that office.
  4. When a University Teaching Officer is granted leave to work part-time (under Special Ordinance C(i) 2(c), or is appointed to a part-time office, the usual accrual of sabbatical leave entitlement will be allowed by the General Board according to the number of reckonable terms worked (a reckonable term being one where the officer was in residence for a greater part of their working week and had not taken sick or research leave (Special Ordinance C(i) 2 (a) and 2(b) for a greater part of the officer's usual working days during that term). The General Board will determine the stipend which will be payable during the sabbatical period, taking into account the rates of pay received during the period of reckonable service.

For example:

  1. A University teaching officer working half-time for six reckonable years would be entitled to three terms sabbatical leave at her or his usual rate of pay (50% of the full stipend for that office).
  2. A University teaching officer working 40% for two years, followed by 60% for two years, followed by 80% for two years (six years reckonable service) would be entitled to three terms sabbatical leave at a rate of pay of 60% (the average stipend over the six-year period) of the full stipend.