What is mediation?
Mediation is a well established, confidential process for resolving disagreements. Two impartial third parties (mediators) help two people in dispute to attempt to reach an agreement and find a mutually acceptable resolution.
Who are the mediators and what is their role?
Mediators are members of staff, drawn from a variety of backgrounds and roles throughout the University who, as volunteers, have received accredited training in mediation skills in order to assist with the resolution of difficulties between individual members of staff. Mediators work according to the Code of Conduct.
The University of Cambridge uses co-mediation which involves the allocation of two mediators per case. The objective of mediation is to provide a supportive structure for the parties to get together to try and agree a way forward which will enable them to improve difficult working relationships.
What a mediator can do
Help the parties individually to analyse the problem and decide what they wish to achieve
Help the parties to discuss jointly and to reach common ground
What a mediator cannot do
Solve the problem for the parties
Act as an intermediary between the parties and their institution(s)
Make any judgement about the case
How can mediation benefit me?
Mediation is particularly helpful in resolving interpersonal disputes due to its common-sense approach. In particular mediation:
Gives those involved an opportunity to step back and think about how they could put the situation right, including consideration of their own behaviour.
Focuses on the future, with an emphasis on improving working relationships rather than apportioning blame.
Enables parties to come up with their own practical solution(s).
Allows parties to rebuild relationships as they work together to find an agreement.
Mediation can be attempted at any stage of a dispute.
How do I find out more or request mediation?
To find out more please contact mediation@admin.cam.ac.uk
If you are interested in requesting mediation you may wish to discuss this with your line manager, local HR Contact or your HR School Team. A request can then be made on the Mediation Request Form and sent to mediation@admin.cam.ac.uk. A Mediation Co-ordinator will then contact you directly.