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Flexible Working Hours

Definitions of ‘core hours’ and other periods may vary according to the particular needs of an institution or department and will be determined by the Head of Institution.

A typical pattern might be as follows:

Overall time 08.00–18.00
Core time
(ie when all staff must be present)
Mon–Thurs 09.30–12.30
Friday 09.30–12.30
Lunch break
(minimum 30 minutes)

Hours worked daily will be recorded on the form provided to the nearest completed quarter hour: at the starting and leaving time for each morning and afternoon at the time of arrival and departure. Forms will be checked by the Section Head and at the end of each accounting period (typically every 4 weeks) forwarded to [as relevant to department].

Absence during core time will not normally be allowed but a Head of Section may grant occasionally it at his/her discretion.

During the course of an accounting period the debit shall not exceed 5 hours at any time and must be paid up, ie be nil, by the end of the accounting period. No time owed may be carried forward for more than one accounting period.

A maximum of 10 hours can be taken as flexi-leave in any one accounting period (four weeks). If excess hours are worked during the course of an accounting period the maximum number of hours carried over to the next accounting period shall be 10 (pro rata for part time staff). In exceptional circumstances, and subject to an explicit requirement by an institution for additional time to be worked, a member of staff may be granted prior permission to carry over more than the maximum 10 hours. The additional flexi, over the 10 hours, must be used during the next accounting period.

There can be no reduction in the total hours worked per annum as laid down in the regulations governing the employment of University Assistants.

Flexi leave cannot be used for Departmental Shutdowns, eg Christmas. Flexi leave can be used for booking leave for Bank Holidays that are not part of a shutdown.

Whenever possible dental and medical appointments should be arranged so that they fall outside working hours. However, on occasions when this is not practicable, the suggested allowance for a dental/doctor's appointment is up to a maximum of 2 hours. Any additional time required for such an appointment must be taken from flexi or annual leave. Credit cannot be accrued on this day.

Any credit time is not overtime and will not be paid as such.

Where a Head of Institution approves flexible working for an individual, his/her new hours of work, and overtime arrangements as appropriate, should be agreed.