4.1. The University operates a retirement age for academic University officers and holders of the offices of Vice-Chancellor and Pro-Vice-Chancellor [4] in order to:
- Ensure inter-generational fairness and career progression;
- Enable effective succession-planning;
- Promote innovation in research and knowledge creation; and
- Preserve academic autonomy and freedom.
4.2. At the end of the academic year before that in which the EJRA-applicable University officer reaches the age of 67, the relevant Head of Institution will invite the individual to attend an informal meeting to discuss their intended retirement plans and the options available. A record should be made of the discussion using form RP3: Record Of Workplace Discussion. The retirement options open to a University officer are detailed below.
4.3. Normal Retirement
4.3.1 If an EJRA-applicable University officer intends to retire at the retirement age, this is the default position and accordingly they need not take any steps to notify the University that this is the case. Their employment will therefore end automatically on 30 September of the academic year in which they reach the age of 69. However, it would be helpful if they would confirm this intention during the workplace discussion with the Head of Institution.
4.4. Flexible Retirement
4.4.1. If an EJRA-applicable University officer wishes to work reduced hours and draw part of their pension for a period before full retirement then they can apply for flexible retirement. For further information, please refer to Section 6: ‘Pensions’
4.5. Early Retirement
4.5.1. If an EJRA-applicable University officer wishes to retire before the retirement age they should complete form RP1: Notification Of Intention To Retire and submit this to their Head of Institution to advise the University of the planned early retirement. This should be submitted no later than three months before the intended early retirement date otherwise there may be a delay in payment of pension benefits.
4.5.2. If an EJRA-applicable University officer wishes to retire before the relevant pensionable age, they need to seek the permission of the University to do so, in addition to discussing their plans with the Head of Institution. EJRA-applicable University officers in General Board institutions will require the permission of the Academic Secretary. University officers in Council institutions will require the permission of the Registrary. The relevant HR Business Manager will be able to advise the employee and Head of Institution of the process for seeking the necessary approval.
4.6. Delayed Retirement
4.6.1. EJRA-applicable University officers are currently required to vacate their offices no later than the end of the academic year in which they reach the retirement age under the provisions of Special Ordinance C (ii) 12. However, in exceptional circumstances it may be possible for an individual to be granted an extension of their employment on an unestablished fixed-term basis, thereby delaying their retirement for a limited period of time. For further information, please refer to Section 7: ‘Procedure for EJRA-applicable University Officers to Continue Employment’.
4.7. Retirement Planning
4.7.1. Staff will have the opportunity to attend retirement planning events at appropriate times.
[4] In this Policy, these University officers are referred to a EJRA-applicable University officers.