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5.1. While there is no retirement age for these staff groups, the University operates a procedure for employees to consider their choices at or about the time they become entitled to draw their occupational pension in full.

5.2. For planning purposes, it is assumed that whenever the employee chooses to retire, their retirement date would be 30 September i.e. the end of the academic year in which they wish to retire.  If the employee intends to retire on a different date, they should inform their Head of Institution using form RP1 as soon as possible to assist with operational planning.

5.3. The Head of Institution will write to employees two years before they reach the age of 65 (which for most employees is the age when they become entitled to draw their occupational pension in full without an actuarial reduction) inviting them to a discussion as part of the normal process of regular reviews that occur under the Staff Review and Development Scheme.

5.4. The options open to an employee are detailed below.

  • Retire;
  • Continue working on the same basis;
  • Continue working with a reduction in hours;
  • Continue working with a modification of duties or in a different role; or
  • For USS members only, apply for flexible retirement, working reduced hours and drawing a part-pension for a period before full retirement.
  • For CPS members only, apply for flexible retirement and drawing their full pension whilst continuing to work at the University in either a full or part-time capacity for a period before full retirement.

5.5. Such discussions are an informal opportunity for both Heads of Institutions and employees to plan jointly for the future, and enable Heads of Institution to establish if and when an employee is considering retiring.  The outcome of a discussion should be recorded briefly on form RP3.  Heads of Institutions or their deputies are encouraged to undertake this review annually, or more frequently where the individual requests it, or where it is required, irrespective of age.  The aim of the regular review meetings is to maintain a dialogue about the employee’s plans in a supportive manner.

5.6. Where an employee intends to continue in post, they should inform the Head of Institution of this intention at the relevant review meeting.

5.7. If an employee wishes to take on a different role within the University at any stage, they will be entitled to apply for that position in the normal way.

5.8. If an employee intends to continue working but wishes to request a change in hours or duties, form FLEXAF: Application For Flexible Working should be completed and submitted to the Head of Institution in advance of the relevant review meeting.  Requests will be considered under the criteria set out in the University's Flexible Working Policy.  Requests for modifications of hours or duties will be accepted providing this is in accordance with the needs of the institution.

5.9. An employee can declare their intention to retire at any time by completing form RP1 and by providing the appropriate period of notice of their retirement.  If an individual chooses to retire earlier than the pensionable age, and is a member of the USS or CPS, his or her pension benefits may be actuarially reduced in line with the terms of the relevant scheme.  S/he should therefore seek guidance from the University Pensions Team.

5.10. In the case of University officers who are not impacted by the EJRA and who wish to retire before the relevant pensionable age, they should submit a completed form RP1 to their Head of Institution to advise the University of the planned early retirement no later than three months before the intended early retirement date, otherwise their may be a delay in payment of pension benefits.  If they intend to draw their pension early, they also need to seek the permission of the University, in addition to discussing their plans with the Head of Institution.  University officers in General Board institutions will require the permission of the Academic Secretary.  University officers in Council institutions will require the permission of the Registrary. The relevant HR Business Manager will be able to advise the employee and Head of Institution of the process for seeking the necessary approval. 

5.11 Staff will have the opportunity to attend retirement planning events at appropriate times.