Flexible working
The University’s Flexible Working Policy sets out the statutory procedure to be followed when staff ask to work flexibly to achieve a better work/life balance. The range of flexible working practices that may be requested and, depending on the circumstances, may be appropriate include:
- part-time or term-time working
- job share
- compressed or annual hours
- staggered hours or flexitime.
All employees have a statutory right to request flexible working from their first day of employment. Staff wishing to request a change to their existing working pattern should read this policy and informally discuss their proposed change with their Head of Institution or line manager as appropriate before proceeding with their statutory request. This should then be submitted using the FLEXAF form; University officers will also need to apply for dispensation to work flexibly in line with the provisions of Special Ordinance C (i) 2 (c) using the CHRIS/74 form.
The University also operates a non-contractual Hybrid Working Policy, which sets out the informal arrangements for hybrid working across the University. Discussions and agreements in connection with this particular way of working will normally be managed under the Hybrid Working Policy rather than the Flexible Working Policy, except where requests for flexible working:
- cannot be informally agreed under the Hybrid Working Policy or exceed the hybrid working arrangements available under the Hybrid Working Policy;
- are for changes other than or in addition to the location of work; or
- are for a permanent contractual change.
Further guidance on flexible working is available from the relevant HR Business Partnering team.