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The Head of Institution may, in accordance with the operational needs of the department, discuss cover arrangements with members of staff and place restrictions on the use of flexi-time to maintain adequate coverage during the normal working day and busy periods.

All staff must record starting and finishing times for both morning and afternoon periods. No member of staff may enter times for anyone other than him/herself.

Heads of Institutions need to ensure that there is adequate staffing at all times. Staff must request permission before taking flexi leave and plan this with their manager in advance. Heads of Institutions will decide how much advance notice is required from staff in their institution. Such planning need not preclude adjustments on either side in exceptional circumstances should emergencies or unforeseen circumstances arise.

The Head of Institution can withdraw an individual's membership of the scheme at any time if the scheme is abused in any way. In such circumstances the Head of Institution, will on request by the individual, provide written reasons for the withdrawal of flexi-time.

Individuals found to be abusing the scheme will be liable to the University's Disciplinary and Fraud Procedures.