Roles and Responsibilities
4.1 All parties involved in and affected by organisational change have roles and responsibilities that will ensure that the organisational change process is successful. Details of these roles and responsibilities are provided below:
The Manager
- To consult with employees and their representatives throughout the change process.
- To approach consultation with an open mind and consider all feedback received for use in changes to proposals as appropriate.
- To decide on the most appropriate method of informing and consulting with staff. This must include consideration of staff absent from the workplace due to maternity, sickness or other leave and of those with specific requirements due to disability and those on secondment.
- To consult with individuals affected by the change and keep all of those whom they manage informed about the proposals.
- To ensure selection processes used are fair and transparent.
- To keep written notes/records of discussions held with staff and trade unions. This should be a summary of key discussion points and need not be a verbatim account.
The Employee
- To be flexible and open-minded when considering reasonable changes to their duties and responsibilities.
- To participate in consultations, considering the proposals put forward by the Institution and contributing their own views in an open manner.
- To continue to conduct their duties in a professional manner during the period of organisational change.
- To actively participate in a selection process
- To make full use of redeployment support made available to them.
- To consider any suitable alternative employment opportunities.
The Trade Unions/ Employee Representatives
- To participate in consultation by considering the proposals put forward by the Institution,
- To suggest counter-proposals where appropriate,
- To contribute representations on behalf of their members and seek to reach a mutually satisfactory resolution at the end of the consultation period.
The Human Resources Division
- To attend relevant meetings and provide advice and guidance to staff and institutions on the application of the Organisational Change Policy.
- To support the manager in managing organisational change in a fair, consistent and legally compliant manner.