1. Introduction
1.1 This Guidance supports staff and institutions in implementing the Organisational Change Policy and provides information on good practice. It should be read in conjunction with:
- The Organisational Change Policy
- Pay Protection Policy
- Redeployment guidance
- Redundancy pay guidance
1.2 This Guidance is not University policy and does not form part of employees’ terms and conditions of employment.
1.3 Institutions are advised to speak to their HR School Team well in advance for further advice before initiating organisational change. A toolkit of documents and resources is also available to institutions on request from the relevant HR School Team. The following documents are available:
- Business case form and guidance notes
- Authorisation flow charts
- Resource Management Committee (RMC) approval guidance
- Example communication briefings and presentations
- CHRIS changes to organisational structure form
- Template letters
1.4 It is important to identify the correct procedure for managing change as early as possible so that appropriate support can be offered to the employees affected. Institutions should contact HR well in advance of any change being planned for advice and guidance on the procedures and support available.
Situations where the Organisational Change Policy applies
1.5 The Organisational Change Policy applies to situations which may include restructurings, mergers or where materially different working practices may be intoroduced. Organisational Change is further defined under section 1.3 of the Policy.
Situations where the Organisational Change Policy does not apply
1.6 The Policy does not apply to the normal ending of fixed term contracts, which is covered by the ‘Procedure for the Ending of Fixed Term Contracts’, and which would apply in the case of situations involving the non-renewal of funding. Thus, the policy does not cover redundancy at the ending of fixed term contracts and, unless there are very particular circumstances, Pay in Lieu of Notice (PILON) does not therefore apply in such cases.
It is recognised that in most cases contract Research staff will not be affected by this Policy, as the termination of employment will be due to the cessation of funding or research project. The Policy will apply in situations, for example, when a group is being closed down due to a restructuring rather than simply ending in line with funding. In such situations, staff will normally be given the opportunity to work their notice where that is their preference and the Head of Department or relevant line manager is in agreement. It is important to state that the Head of Department or relevant line manager would have to have justifiable reasons not to agree to a person working their notice.
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