Step 4 - Concluding the Change Period and Next Steps
Confirmation of appointments and redundancy
2.4.1 On conclusion of the change period the lead manager will confirm any appointments (including pay protection arrangements and other contractual changes as appropriate) and redundancies in writing. It is best practice to meet with the individual to inform them verbally, with written confirmation provided at this meeting or shortly afterwards. Details about any redundancy pay and PILON (see below) as well as any other monies owing (such as holiday pay) should also be confirmed at the same time. The right of appeal should also be confirmed in writing. Template letters are available from the relevant HR School Team.
Redundancy pay
2.4.2 Entitlements to redundancy pay are set out under sections 3.4.7 to 3.4.8 of the Policy. Further details can be found in the Redundancy Pay: notes of guidance.
2.4.3 The relevant notice period for employees being made redundant should be confirmed by referring to the individual’s contract of employment. Employees will usually be offered Pay in Lieu of Notice (PILON) which will be paid at their basic pay rate (subject to tax and National Insurance deductions).
2.4.4 Employees wishing to work their notice will have a reasonable expectation to do so unless there is a clear case as to why such an arrangement would not be in the business interest. The decision on whether PILON can be imposed would reside with the line manager and be based on advice from the relevant HR Business Manager. The overarching principle to be applied in all cases is that of 'reasonableness'. That is, there must be a justifiable reason for imposing PILON in any situation, that would stand the legal test of 'reasonableness'. In situations where it is not possible to reach agreement, the employee will have recource to the relevant Grievance Procedure. It should be noted that the focus in the Policy is to recolve matters informally wherever possible prior to instigating more formal routes.
Trial Periods
2.4.5 Where an offer of alternative employment is made and the role or terms and conditions differ wholly or in part from the employee’s existing role, employees have a statutory right to a trial period of four weeks during which time the employee and employer can assess the employee’s suitability for the role in question. The trial period may be extended by agreement of both parties, but only for the purposes of retraining
2.4.6 If the trial period is unsuccessful (for a reason connected with the change in roles), the employee will be treated as having been dismissed by reason of redundancy on the date their original contract ended. However, if an employee unreasonably refuses an offer of suitable alternative employment, the employee will lose their entitlement to a statutory redundancy payment.
Reasonable Adjustments
2.4.7 Reasonable adjustments for employees with a disability should be accommodated throughout the organisational change process. What amounts to a reasonable adjustment will depend on the nature of the disability. However, it may include providing documents in alternative formats, such as braille or large text, or making alternative arrangements for consultation meetings, such as holding them in a more accessible location. It may be necessary to advise employees that if they wish to apply for any alternative roles, reasonable adjustments will be considered for those roles and/or in the application process.
Pay Protection
2.4.8 The University recognises the need to safeguard the pay and conditions of employees adversely affected by organisation change, whilst ensuring that all employees receive equal pay for work of equal value. The Pay Protection Policy provides full details of the provisions available to employees accepting redeployment from a higher to a lower graded post (of no more than one grade) as a result of organisational change. Institutions are asked to indicate whether pay protection applies on the new appointment request form (CHRIS 10, section D) when an individual is redeployed to a suitable alternative post as a result of organisational change.
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