On Friday 9 June, the Regent House approved a new Dignity at Work Policy and a combined Grievance Policy, both of which come into effect today (Tuesday 20 June).
These policies, which were developed following consultation with University staff and the trade unions, aim to help us develop and maintain a safe, welcoming and inclusive community.
The Dignity at Work Policy also supports and promotes the University’s commitment to freedom of thought and expression. A key principle of the Policy is that robust and challenging debate is made possible for everyone in the University when behaviour is courteous and professional.
New Dignity at Work Policy
The new Dignity at Work Policy aims to tackle issues of bullying harassment, discrimination, sexual misconduct and victimisation, collectively referred to as “inappropriate behaviour”. It includes a new Code of Behaviour to set out the standards of behaviour expected from University employees and workers.
New Grievance Policy
The new Grievance Policy replaces the current separate policies in force for unestablished Academic and Academic-related staff, Research staff and Assistant staff to provide a consistent approach for these groups. Established employees (University officers) should continue to refer to the redress of grievance procedures set out in Statutes and Ordinances.
The Grievance Policy aims to ensure fairness and consistency in the way we deal with reports of inappropriate behaviour. It places an increased emphasis on informal resolution where appropriate and highlights the University support services available to support this approach, such as the Mediation Service.
Suggested action
- Please read the new Dignity at Work Policy to make sure you are aware of the standards of behaviour expected from University employees and workers, as set out in the Code of Behaviour.
- Watch the video below to hear more about the aims of the policies and how they should be used in practice.
I would like to thank those of you who contributed to developing these important policies. I hope you will all find them useful tools in supporting a safe, inclusive and professional culture at the University.
With best wishes,
Professor Kamal Munir, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, University Community and Engagement