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Human Resources


1.  Statement of Policy

1.1.    Our community must be one in which we are all able, within the law, to question and test received wisdom, express new ideas and explore controversial or unpopular topics and opinions. The University is committed to creating and maintaining a safe, welcoming and inclusive community that nurtures a culture in which we treat one another with courtesy and professionalism, even while robustly challenging each other’s views and opinions. There is no place for bullying, harassment, discrimination, sexual misconduct, or victimisation in our community and each of us is responsible for the way we interact with and treat others. By fostering and maintaining a culture of courtesy and professionalism in the workplace, we strengthen academic freedom and freedom of thought and expression by ensuring that all voices can be heard clearly and all views discussed responsibly.

1.2.    Bullying, harassment, discrimination, sexual misconduct and victimisation are referenced collectively throughout this Policy as “inappropriate behaviour” and wherever this term is used, it refers to the definitions of these behaviours in section 5 (What constitutes inappropriate behaviour?). The negative actions included in section 6 (Code of Behaviour) also illustrate the different ways in which inappropriate behaviour may be demonstrated within our community.

1.3.    Allegations of inappropriate behaviour, whether by a University employee or worker, a visitor to the University, a third party such as a supplier, or a member of the public, should always be taken seriously. Action should be taken to stop any inappropriate behaviour identified as quickly as possible, including the use of disciplinary processes where necessary and where such behaviour is found to have taken place.

1.4.    University staff (both employees and workers) should be able to informally disclose or formally report incidents without fear of repercussions and trust the processes that are in place to address their concerns. The University will not tolerate the victimisation of an individual for raising concerns in good faith or supporting someone to raise such concerns.

1.5.    Nothing in this Policy should be interpreted as undermining or compromising the University’s commitment to freedom of thought and expression, as stated in the University’s Code of Practice on Freedom of Speech. This Policy actively supports the University’s commitment to academic freedom and freedom of thought and expression. Maintaining a culture of courtesy and professionalism at the University must not close off debate and topics that some may find disagreeable, distasteful or even offensive, and we are expected to be tolerant of the views and opinions of others in line with the University’s Code of Practice.