11. Training and development opportunities
11.1. It is everyday interactions that indicate courteous and professional environments, whether in informal social situations, agreeing and allocating work, managing change, supporting development, feedback opportunities, being an active bystander or negotiating difficult conversations. All these require skills, practice and ongoing review and are needed at all stages of employment, from recruitment through to end of contract.
11.2. The University provides a wide range of training and development opportunities for staff, managers and leaders to build skills to tackle and prevent bullying, harassment, discrimination and sexual misconduct. Information about the training and development opportunities currently available can be found on the Personal and Professional Development (PPD) website.
11.3. In meeting its public sector equality duty, the University will also identify any mandatory courses that need to be undertaken by staff and managers when they join the University (and on a periodic basis thereafter), or when preparing to undertake certain activities on behalf of the University (such as recruitment). The content of such courses will be focussed on building awareness of the employment legislation, statutory codes, case law, and other relevant information to achieve the objectives of this duty, namely eliminating conduct prohibited by or under the Equality Act 2010, advancing equality of opportunity, and fostering good relations between those who share a relevant protected characteristic and those who do not share it.
11.4. Any courses deemed to be mandatory will be approved by the University Council and communicated accordingly.