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8.  What to do when you are the subject of concerns being raised

8.1.    It can be a disconcerting and upsetting experience for an individual to be approached and told that their behaviour could be construed as inappropriate. If this is done through an informal process, they should be prepared to listen patiently and calmly and allow the member of staff (or the person supporting them in the process) to express their concerns. If it is possible, they should also try to remedy the situation and allow a positive working relationship to be resumed. The individual should keep a note of what was discussed and, if appropriate, agreed.

8.2.    The individual who is the subject of the complaint should also be able to give an account of what happened as part of any informal and formal resolution processes. They can speak with any of the following for general guidance or to discuss any specific questions about the resolution process:

Individuals may also discuss the matter and any guidance or information received in connection with the resolution process with a colleague in confidence.

8.3.    The support services set out in section 10 are also available to provide support for individuals who are the subject of a complaint.