Behavioural attributes (or behavioural competencies) are a way of describing a range of individual characteristics that can be measured and can be shown to differentiate effective and ineffective performance. A job role will usually require the postholder to demonstrate both behavioural attributes and technical (or role specific) skills.
Behavioural attributes are made up of a range of motives, traits, skills and knowledge. In a given situation these are evidenced by the way an individual behaves, and can be a significant factor in helping to predict job performance.
The core purpose of the behavioural attributes framework (BAF) developed by the University is to identify what separates best practice from the rest: what do those individuals who display best practice do differently, and why is it they are different from the others (i.e. what qualities are the basis of their behaviour)? What are the key qualities and attributes required in a role to accomplish the organisational or institutional goals?