The positive indicators are intended for use as a guide only and are not exhaustive. Not all indicators will be applicable to all roles within a grade and in some cases may be appropriate to a greater or lesser degree.
Level A
Creates an environment where people are motivated to achieve University objectives and enhance their own performance. Puts systems and strategies in place to develop people at all levels across the University and identifies opportunities to increase organisational capability and capacity through people.
Positive indicators
- Develops senior management capability in line with the University's mission and priorities.
- Creates opportunities for maximising the potential of senior management and building the University's leadership capability.
- Leads the effective cascade of University and institution objectives and enables individuals to recognise their contribution in achieving these.
- Provides staff with a sense of purpose and direction.
- Improves University capability, capacity, reputation and impact through effective people management.
- Promotes commitment to the University's mission and behaviours.
- Promotes and demonstrates the effective use of the Staff Review and Development Scheme and effective people practices.
- Supports and encourages use of the services of the Centre for Personal and Professional Development.
- Seeks and acts on feedback of own performance and management style.
Level B
Encourages and facilitates the learning and development of others. Demonstrates enhancement of individual and team potential through giving clear direction, guidance and feedback on performance.
Positive indicators
Some elements of the positive indicators may not apply to roles that do not have line management responsibility.
- Demonstrates understanding of the talents, capabilities and needs of staff and matches these to development opportunities.
- Provides opportunities for staff to learn and progress their careers, providing advice and guidance where appropriate.
- Creates an environment where staff are clear on what is expected of them and are motivated to achieve results.
- Fairly and accurately assesses performance using the Staff Review and Development Scheme, giving constructive and developmental feedback.
- Manages performance shortfalls in a timely and supportive manner.
- Helps people identify and develop their strengths and development needs.
- Shares knowledge with staff and creates opportunities for coaching and mentoring.
- Encourages staff to see the development opportunities in everyday activities and manages their development expectations.
- Supports and encourages use of the services of the Centre for Personal and Professional Development.
Level C
Demonstrates effective people management skills. Promotes and facilitates the development of others.
Positive indicators
Some elements of the positive indicators may not apply to roles that do not have line management responsibility.
- Encourages staff to learn and develop, giving them advice where necessary.
- Manages performance effectively using the Staff Review and Development Scheme.
- Assists staff in developing their skills through encouragement, motivation and support.
- Encourages staff to achieve and support the University's aims.
- Makes sure people know what a task or responsibility involves and that they have the necessary abilities to carry it out.
- Identifies and addresses the training needs of staff.
- Involves staff in new areas of work and decision making to enhance their knowledge and skills.
- Supports and encourages use of the services of the Centre for Personal and Professional Development.
Level D
Takes ownership of own performance and development. Assists and supports the development of others.
Positive indicators
- Offers and provides guidance, support, induction and training to colleagues.
- Sets high performance standards for self.
- Seeks opportunities to improve own job related knowledge.
- Takes ownership for personal development.
- Makes proactive use of the services of the Centre for Personal and Professional Development.
- Participates fully in the Staff Review and Development Scheme.
- Acts upon feedback of own performance.