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An employee intending to take Shared Parental Leave must give their Institution notification of their intention to take to Shared Parental Leave using a CHRIS 75a, at least eight weeks before they intend their period of Shared Parental Leave to start.

Part of the eligibility criteria requires the employee to provide the University with the correct notification. The CHRIS 75a form captures all the required information.

Notification must be in writing and requires each of the following:

  • the name of the employee;
  • the name of the other parent;
  • the start and end dates of any statutory maternity/adoption leave taken or to be taken by the mother/adopter (or where not taken the dates of any SMP or MA period, or in the case of adoption, the dates of SAP);
  • the total amount of Shared Parental Leave available (being 52 weeks minus the number of weeks of maternity or adoption leave, MA , SMP or SAP, taken or to be taken);
  • the date on which the child is expected to be born and the actual date of birth
  • in the case of an adopted child, the date on which the employee was notified of having been matched with the child and the date of placement for adoption;
  • the amount of Shared Parental Leave the employee and their partner each intend to take (the employee can change the allocation by giving a further written notice and the employee does not have to use their full allocation);
  • if the employee is claiming statutory shared parental pay (ShPP), the total ShPP available (being 39 weeks minus the number of weeks of SMP, MA  or SAP taken or to be taken);how many weeks of available ShPP will be allocated to the employee and how many to the other parent (the employee can change the allocation by giving a further written notice and the employee does not have to use their full allocation);
  • a non-binding indication of when the employee expects to take the leave (including suggested start and end dates for each period of leave);
  • declarations by you and the other parent that you both meet the statutory conditions to enable you to take Shared Parental Leave and ShPP (as set out in 'Statutory Shared Parental Pay')

Where the employee is not the mother and the mother is still on maternity leave or claiming SMP or MA, the employee will only be able to take Shared Parental Leave once the mother has either:

(a) returned to work;

(b) given her employer a curtailment notice to end her maternity leave;

(c) given her employer a curtailment notice to end her SMP (if she is entitled to SMP but not maternity leave); or

(d) given the benefits office a curtailment notice to end her MA (if she is not entitled to maternity leave or SMP).

Similarly, if the employee’s partner is taking adoption leave or claiming SAP from their employer, the employee will only be able to take Shared Parental Leave once their partner has either:

(a) returned to work;

(b) given their employer a curtailment notice to end adoption leave;

(C) given their employer a curtailment notice to end SAP (if they are entitled to SAP but not adoption leave).